Wednesday 21 October 2009

Blog updates

I have made a few modifications to our blog which will help us with keeping track of time and gaining feedback from readers to benefit our project.

After recommending to the rest of the team to add labels to their posts, we now have a label cloud on the left of the blog where readers can chose to organise by labels.

Another module I have added is the subscription box which will allow our readers to subscribe to our posts and comments. This will be important to use the blog as a way of gaining feedback from audiences, specifically our target audience who will follow our production if the genre interests them.

I also edited the width of the blogger theme. Helena came up with the idea that we should have a countdown on the sidebar of the blog to remind us how long is left until the filming deadline is reached. She tried using the blogger modules available however they either did not work or did not record the time. So, I googled for a javascript countdown and after modifications I have created a custom section.


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