In other news tommorow is our first filming day. Nat, Jack and I will be filming, Stef cannot make it but we have decided as a group if someone cannot make it then everyone else should continue. This means that we can meet our deadline as other wise we would have to wait a long time for everyone to be free.
The shots we are filming tommorow are the ones that don't invole actors. This is because they were not free on such short notice.
The shots to be filmed are;
22) Close up of keys falling off table
23) Mid shot of door slaming
26) Mid shot of pages of book blowing
30) Close up of tap and sink
31) Zoom out shot of sink filled with blood
Allthough there aren't many shots it means that they are out of the way for when our actors are filming with us so we can concetrate on filming their scenes
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