Tuesday 23 March 2010

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

When creating a film, you need to make sure that all the aspects of the film and promotion are linked together so that the connections between the film and products are clear and obvious; this was clear when I was looking at existing products.

All three of our final products are linked in several different ways;

Characters/cast – Our cast appear in all of our final products. Each image we chose we had chosen for a certain reason and specifically for each product. The images we show Alice (a.k.a Catherine) she is always staring forward, with an intense stare but also a hint that there is something vacant from her.

Title – We used the same for the title in all of our products, this consisted of the ivy diffusing away from the text. In the main product, we added a flickering effect to the title; this created the connotation that there was something old or timeless in the film.

• Colour scheme – In our promotional material we have used three main colours red, black and white. Black and white was used to represent the timelessness, whilst red represented danger and blood, this links with the scene in our main product where Mary has blood on her hands.

• Themes – The main theme we used in our promotional material is nature. The title binding refers to how ivy binds and constricts around an object, so we have used ivy in our title and also as a frame around the imbedded YouTube video on our website.

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