Tuesday 22 September 2009

Initial Questionnaire on SurveyMonkey

A short while ago, Helena and I created a questionnaire which helped us choose the genre of the teaser trailer for the project. This is the first questionnaire and the purpose of it is to help us narrow down our research for more specific codes and conventions of the genre we finally chose.

If you are willing to be involved in our research then please click here. The questionnaire has been uploading to SurveyMonkey which we have chosen to use because it is easy to create and easy to edit our questionnaire, all of our responses are collected in one place and it will provide us with detailed statistics about the choices you, the audience, have provided! All information gathered is confidential and will not be shared under the Data Protection Act 1998, see Part 1.2.

If you would like to share the link with your friends then please provide them http://bit.ly/15pXlb which will forward them to SurveyMonkey. We'd really appreciate it.

We will be posting the link on various social networking sites to spread the word. Thank you.


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