Thursday 24 September 2009


Well, today we had our auditions for the two girls who will be the main focus in our media film. We sent out a notice to a set of Year Nine girls who displayed a premlimary interest in acting in our teaser trailer.
When we arrived at the auditions there were two girls waiting and we auditioned them using a extract from a book of short plays. We were impressed in how they took direction and became invovled in the charecters that they played.
The only problem we do face is the fact that they are quite young and we may have the issue of gaining parental permission. So we are considering also audtioning Year 12 theatre studies students as they should be confident in acting for us.
If we do use Year 12 students then we will ask the Year 9 students to play a part by singing the nursery rhyme, 'Mary Mary, quite contary' as they have fairly high pitiched voices which can sound fairly childish and eerie.

Now we have started our auditions we have more of an idea of what we are looking for so when we do audition the Year 12's, hopefully we will find people who fit the part that we are looking for. Meanwhile, we are working on our storyboards and starting to think about the film poster.


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