Wednesday 7 October 2009

Post a poster

Well, during my free I thought I would do a bit of poster research. We were having a chat about this earlier and Nat suggested our poster be really subdue colours so that it could make a impact that connotes darkness.

This poster that I have uploaded below is not in black/grey/white but has dark colours and the visual image is quite striking.

However, I don't think we could do a poster like this only because we have two principal characters so the poster would have to feature both. However I did have an idea that maybe we could have one of the girls at the front of the pictures and the other blurred looking at the first girl. Its only an idea but maybe we could develop it when we start designing our poster.

Another thing that has made me think about this poster was that its quite a teaser poster as the girl's mouth is blanked out and you don't know why this is, which gives an element of mystery.


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