Wednesday 14 October 2009

It's poster time

In today's media lesson we not only uploaded the film footage we have recorded, we also began thinking of potential ideas for our film poster. We firstly decided that we want both of the actresses will appear on the poster, after we recieve their permission to do of course.
We are thinking of having it set in the forest we filmed in, as there was a clearing that would be perfect for the shot. Another possible location would be the park that we previously filmed in using the swings as our main focus. Our favourite idea is this:

--> Set in the forest with Mary (Lexie) standing straight on, facing the camera looking frightened with Catherine (Alice) standing behind with her hand on Mary's shoulder. We would only show half of Catherine's face to symbolise the mystery surrounding her character. The forest would also add to a mystery of the plot. Having Catherine's hand on Mary's shoulder symbolises the relationship they share, as shown in the trailer, and also symbolises the manipulation of Mary.

We did a quick tester shot with myself and Helena, which Jack will later upload onto here.

Also, I will upload the make-up plans here tonight if I can as I am away as of tomorrow.


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