Monday 13 July 2009

Since I'm gone

Hey guys as I'm not here I thought I would put some suggestions for our questionnaire.
  • How long do you expect a teaser trailer to be?
  • What is the difference between a teaser and a full length trailer?
  • What do you expect to find out in a teaser trailer?
  • Are there any teaser trailers that you have seen that stood out to you/you remembered?
I thought I'd contribute seeing as I'm not here and I thought this could get you started.


Wednesday 8 July 2009

It came from cyber-space

Recently we've been thinking about the different themes we could explore in our teaser trailer. One idea we have been thinking about is to do with clowns in a horror film, reminiscent of horror films around the 1980's.
Examples of some films are:
  • The Blob (1988) - A remake of the 50's film.
  • Cat People (1982)
  • An American Werewolf in London (1981)
  • Killer Klowns from Outer Space (1988)
  • The Lost Boys (1987)
  • The Shining (1980)
All themes to think about

Tuesday 7 July 2009

It's bloggin' time!

Hello and welcome to our media blog!

First of all, lets meet the team.

We've got Jack, Nat & Stef here.

And this is our first ever blog!

So what's our goal?

We want to create a great teaser trailer for a film of our own creation.

Media 6